Spirals in Meilin’s Life


 Spirals in Meilin’s Life

I was moved to show you this photograph taken by the beautiful storyteller Mirella Walter from Sufiland. On the last day of the ESO-natura fair in Lindau she suddenly stood next to me and asked to take a photo of me while painting. Somehow those photos of me painting didn’t express what she wanted, so I turned around and smiled at her, and voilà. Magical, it must of needed this visual reconnection between us two for the photo to work. Thank you, Mirella.

The day I opened my email and saw this picture both spirals paintings jumped at me. They wanted to be seen. How funny I thought, I only drew one spiral mini drawing that weekend and here, these two needed to express their relationship to each other, to me and to you. Ah, before I forget to tell you, the big one in t


he background I painted for myself to support me at my first exhibit. Spirals have had a profound role in my life and here it is shown to me once more very clearly. Since a little girl I loved to doodle them on a pad while speaking on the phone and onto my schoolbooks to embellish them. One day though that stopped and another form took over. Which form is it you ask? That’s for another day’s story.

Not until the recent years did I understand that I receive my healing (physical and spiritual) and my knowledge through their form. When the spiral started to reappear it was during journeys for my personal healing. There I was laid into them and spun around or I was to observe the infinite spiral’s connections in my body as I would be reviewing the relationship of the spirals of the galaxies in our universe. Spirals got drawn onto paper again as I materialized my symbols which reconnect me to my knowledge/wisdom while in a ritual. The spirals were created in different colors, material and form to positively program water for my family and my pets to drink. … To round it up or long story short, they came back into my life to synchronize myself with my source so I can happily paint them for you.


Oh, and if you ever have the chance to meet Mirella ask her to tell you the wonderful heart opening story of the creation of the rose as she has told me when I sampled her rose oil at her booth.



  1. Michelle V on December 13, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    I just wanted to let you know how seeing the spirals really warmed my heart. I believe there is something magical about spirals and I use to love to draw them. You have inspired me to draw them again soon. Thank you for sharing you Meilin, and also for the gift of inspiration.

    • Meilin Ehlke on December 18, 2013 at 7:37 am

      Michele, it is wonderful to see you inspired. I would love to see some of your drawings in the future. Paint, draw and have fun.