

a beautiful light being walking on our Earth, here to open our hearts and connect us to the collective consciousness, has crossed my path. Now we are walking together for a little while to co-create magical moments. On this page you find a few fascinating options (radio show recording, video conversation and a audio of it). Enjoy…

July 5th, she joined me on my radio show Sacred Sound Surprises on the News for the Soul broadcast. Listen in and experience her channeling for the first time  ~ the Mountain Beings and receive the beautiful message and vibration they are emanating.
is the link about La Maná in Ecuador in reference to our conversation during the radio show with the Mountain Beings about temples and caves who’s knowledge is becoming visible to us again. A fascinating read. Enjoy…

Ana La Rai’s website is

On July 11th, I had the pleasure to hold a magical conversation with Ana La Rai in my Sacred Expression Show. Lightness and joy is felt through out our time together.  We were honored with the channeled wisdom of the Alchemy Collective. Then also invited to tune into future calls with them held on Tuesdays.

Audio of Ana La Rai on the Sacred Expression Show. Enjoy…

As mentioned in the video I am preparing an interactive live broadcast so you can receive healing, speak with her and her beings directly. Precise information when, where and how is going to be up on this blog by August 1st.
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